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Baby Sitting

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Written by Liza 13 years ago in Straight Sex Stories. 0 Favorites. 0 Views.

My elderly foriegner neighbours have always fascinated me with their western care-free lifestyle and quite decent behaviour. And when they adopted a Korean Baby I was estatic to be chosen as her pseudo God-mother. Of course this meant that I would have to spend time at their place, baby-sitting their daughter while they were out at work, or just out.
One night they had to go to a party and requested me to baby sit for them which I was only too happy to oblige. After giving Baby her bath and putting her to bed, I settled down at the couch in the hall to watch some T.V. The movie 'Confessions of a window cleaner' was on cable and the silly antics of the window cleaner soon had me into peals of laughter. I would have drifted off to sleep because the next thing I know was that the Jasons were standing over me in the dark, whispering to themselves. I knew I should have got up then and there but some part of me told me to lie still. Pretending to be sleeping I strained to what I could hear. Mrs. Jason was saying 'dosen'nt she look cute, sleeping like that' to which Mr. Jason replied...'yes, more so with her beautiful bottom'. It was then I felt the cold breeze on my thighs and realized to my horror that my skirt had riden up all the way to my thighs and that my panties were on full display. 'Hush now dear...I should probably wake her up' said Mrs. Jason. 'No....let me' replied Mr. Jason and as he moved to wake me up, or so I though, he very purposefully and slowly and deliberately lifted up the hem of my skirt and moved it all the way up my bare upper thighs. 'Don'nt do that' said Mrs. Jason giggling, but in the dark I could just make out that the both of them were clearly having fun....

To be continued...

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