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Written by xxxLosingEverythingxxx 13 years ago in Straight Sex Stories. 0 Favorites. 0 Views.

I was the new girl at school hell i was the new kid in the state! Summer was over and school was about to start. My paents were so excited they couldnt wait for me to start so i could make some friends. ugh!
So my first day of school went like this; i got lost like a bagilion times trying to find classes, everyone kept staring at me, i ate lunch alone and i didnt make any friends.
By the end of the week i had every guys attention which isnt anything new ive always got guys attention and ive always gotten any guy i wanted. well one day, one of the hottest guys in school came up trying to talk to me but everyone told me he was a complete jerk so ofcourse i ignored him.Everyday he tried something new to get my attention and each time i ignored him. Finally he just asked me out and i decided to say yes so maybe after this one time he would leave me alone.
So that night my mom made me dress all nice by wearing a skirt and i dressy top instead of casual and she insisted on doing my hair but i told her no. At 8 o' clock sharp he showed up all dressed up and told my dad he was taking me dancing. We left after my dad checked him out to make sure he was an ok guy and he was a gentlemen...infront of my parents..but the moment we got around the corner he took off his dress shirt and dress pants to reveal normal teenage boy clothes...white t, jeans..and thats when i suddenly felt over dressed. i asked him where we were going but he just looked at me and smiled. right then i got a knot in my stomach..i knew something was going to happen but i ignored the feeling and just went along anyways...
We were about an hour away from my house when he stopped the car on a dirt road and shut off the car. he leaned in to kiss me so ofcourse i kissed him back thinking this was nothin more than a make out session before we went to where we were supposed to go..i was wrong. Soon he started moving his hands and putting them in places he shouldnt have and i asked him to take me home, and he said ok, but he got out of the car and went to my side of the car. he opened the car door and picked me up out of it and laid me in the back seat with me fighting him and trying to get away. He laid on top of me in the back and started kissing and sucking on my neck, but i kept trying to get away. while holding me down with one arm he quickly slid his hand up my skirt and into my panties. I was a virgin so ofcourse i didnt want this. i kicked and screamed so i could try to prevent what happened next but i wasnt strong enough. He slid his fingers in one at first then two. the whole time i could feel him getting hornier by the second and he was moaning as he slid his fingers in and out.
I tried everything i could to get away but it wasnt enough. Soon he was undoing his belt and trying to pull his boner out of his pants. I took in a quick breath of air as he quickly and violently shoved it in me. i started to cry but he wouldnt stop. I dug my nails into his back, his arms, i tried biting him to get him off me but it just made him want made him think i wanted it. He stared going faster and harder and maoning louder with each thrust and finally he was done. He got out of the car, leaving me in the backset laying there limp, not wanting to move as he drove me home. When we got there he threatened to kill me if i ever told anyone and made me promise or he WOULD kill me. i cleaned up my make up, fixed my hair, and walked inside the house. My parents asked how the date went and of course i lied. i went to my room and cried all night. to this day i still havent told anyone except my best friend.
Ive gotten better now, but i still get scared on dirt roads..always reliving my experience on one and still fell the aching in my heart for never saying anything...