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Number of the Beast

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Written by lee 14 years ago in Straight Sex Stories. 0 Favorites. 0 Views.

‘And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name… … and his number is six hundred three score and six.’

Revelations 13: 17-18

How could we have known that He would come to us in that way and establish his dominion through such a method? Technology was never His thing or that was what we, the faithful, had always been led to believe.

And yet it’s so right as well, so fitting, to corrupt through your enemy’s greatest strength, to walk brazenly through the main gate so to speak, dressed as a friend and do your work from within. That was always His way and we should know better in any case than to presume to second guess Him.

It still makes me chuckle that Man’s greatest social achievement, the one thing that brought the world closer together than any other before, the instrument which, through communication and sharing of information, brought the minds of humans within touching distance no matter how far apart, that united all of humanity like never before; that this was the very thing that would rip us apart and send us leaping willingly through the gates of His dominion, that led, in short, to the inauguration of His kingdom on Earth – the great Takeover.

I am speaking of course of the internet, the worldwide web, the great WWW. Such typically urbane irony that the hint should have been dropped all that time ago, to have been staring us in the face for so many centuries without anyone noticing or caring. ‘No man might buy or sell lest he have the number of the beast.’ So said John the Apostle, that great adversary and greater, though unwitting, helper. And nobody saw it. Nobody saw that the number, as John had said, was also a name, that by the sacred Hebrew art of gematria, where every letter has an equivalent number, the number 6 is equivalent to the letter Vau. And that the Hebrew letter Vau in the Latin alphabet is of course W.



Worldwide Web

‘And no man shall buy or sell unless he is marked with the number of the beast.’ 666. WWW. How could we fail to see that John was talking about our own times? That the inauguration of His kingdom on Earth would be seen in our age? It was so obvious.

The great tempter they call Him, our great CEO. He started it all. In the Garden He was there plying his infinitely subtle art, leading the way ever so slowly, ever so subtly toward the Tree, toward the Fruit, toward the shame that would kick it all off.

Now in our time he has done no less than put a tree of temptation in the living room of every house in the world. The gambler who used to be able to stop himself from making the walk to the bookmaker’s or the casino is now only one click away from having all the pleasures of speculation and betting at his fingertips. How much more difficult to resist?The adulterer can now cheat with the most beautiful women in the world. There is now such a profusion of beautiful naked flesh, carnal lust, fornication and sodomy awaiting the merest click of his finger that the most crazed mediaeval depicter of hell could not have conceived it. The glutton has instant access to every good, every commodity, every pretty, pointless bauble that he or she could ever imagine so that even the greatest appetite could never be slaked. And the man whose most secret sexual thought turns sometimes to children, the kind of man who would never have acted on them for shame and fear of being caught. Well, now he can indulge these shameful desires without ever having to leave his house. Shame and punishment are no longer blocks to his desire, his temptation. Yes, the great tempter, our esteemed CEO, certainly pulled off the greatest coup of his career with the worldwide web.

But it was not even these temptations, this sudden boom in sin that was His greatest achievement with the internet. No it was the internet’s great gift of good to humanity that became it’s greatest weakness – the ease of communication, the global village, the unity of all mankind through cyberspace. It was this that allowed us, his employees to infiltrate into all the countries of the world and bring it all under his dominion, for it is unity that we seek. Seperate, humanity is hard to control but united it is a simple thing to enslave.

We already have it. The Takeover is well under way. Next we will introduce the subcutaneous bar code which everyone must have implanted on their forearm for banking, shopping transactions and ID purposes, then the Takeover will truly be complete. Did you know, incidentally, that the mathematics of the bar code is based on the number 666? ‘They shall not buy or sell unless they bear his mark..’

Anyway I should go now. I’ve probably said too much and anyway I have to get back to work. Although the worldwide web is our greatest tool, here at the World Bank we don’t get much time to use it.