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When Dreams Awake

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Written by cutencrunchy 13 years ago in Straight Sex Stories. 0 Favorites. 0 Views.

Todd said what he had to say and smiled as he watched Earl. The effects of Todd’s words were like a fire burning through the boy’s resolve. Earl cried helpless before him. Todd walked away laughing and slipped into the forest petulantly pulling at his britches his laugh turning to angry curses as he disappeared down the winding trails.

It was early evening before anyone noticed and later yet when Earl finally set himself to informing Father Orloff

''Sir,” He said in earnest, “Todd has gone missing, and I can’t, I cannot find him though not for lack of trying, sir''

Father Orloff though was somewhere else; Lost in self reflection. Languid came the word and he presented his hand as if he’d love nothing more then to have a ring upon his finger for Earl to kiss and with a wave of his hand dismissed the boy indifferent to his plight; for he was a busy man. ‘Just now busy with the important work of warming my seat’ he chortled to himself.

Later when Todd still hadn't shown up Earl's nose was running not with its customary drip but rather like ice that having been lodged inside the boy’s nasal cavity did by the heat of his nervous energy melt most precipitously. As such a stream of glistening snot did shine upon his lip and moisten his sleeve.

Orloff did not make secret his disgust. Biting his nails and blinking furiously Earl went to Father Abe’s room. Abe was not there but one of his secondary robes was left in his seat. It was a beautifully embroidered and brocaded silk robe, far more valuable then the simple plain saffron robe that was Abe’s custom; which made all the greater the tragedy of Earl’s anxiety. For in his fractured state did Earl’s anxiety lead him absent mindedly to the destruction of Father Abe’s robe.

When he noticed he hugged it tight and cried. Abe was finishing a walk with Dunksburg and Orloff when upon their return they found him. Abe knelt before the crying boy taking his hand and setting the tattered robe aside. "Don't you worry about this old thing Earl; I should be thanking you. I've wanted to get a new robe for ages and now finally I have the perfect excuse!"

Father Orloff turned red, (It was blasphemy this desecration. The impudence of these unruly children he stormed looking round wildly his well of support run dry. Continuing his eyes no doubt seeking a rod with which to stave the spoiling of a child and finding none) his jowls shaking he stormed out of the room.

Dunksburg smiled closing the door after him and unobtrusively retrieved the craft scissors from the floor putting them to pocket. When Earl finally told them about Todd’s disappearance Abe rang the bells summoning the fathers to the playground where upon he organized a search. (Ever mindful of Orloff’s whereabouts’ less he seeks out the boy with rod in hand).

They searched far and wide save Father Orloff who having worn himself out getting to the playground suggested he might best serve the cause with prayer. But Todd was nowhere to be found. It was as if he’d vanished and poor Chopien was so guilt ridden he began wetting his bed and having nightmares.

They increased the attention they gave him and told him he was not at fault, still he would cry himself to sleep and wake up wet and scared each night. Once as Earl was having a particularly hard time getting to bed Abe heard him mumble through his tears. His head on Abe’s shoulder his mouth to his ear. He whispered a name. Abe tried to make sure, asked him to say it again. To explain what he meant but he could get no more, just the name; Ishtal.